Exploring Connection

Birds of a feather, flock together.

To join this weeks Self Care Session please send a donation to a Humanitarian Relief effort of your choosing (I have linked several below). Please REPLY to this email with details of your donation to receive the zoom link for tonights session at 7 PM.

Anyone is welcome ❤️

The World Spinning GIF by Wikipedia

Global Interconnectedness

Our evolutionary journey is a testament to the power of connection. Early humans weren't the strongest or the fastest species, but they had a secret weapon: community. These small, self-sufficient groups were the bedrock of humanity. They hunted together, shared stories, and faced challenges as a united front. It is within our DNA to seek out and form these bonds.

On a macro level, modern humans exist within the Anthropocene, an epoch (period in time) where human activity is the dominant influence on the climate and environment. It's a term that certainly highlights our global interconnectedness, where every action - from the cars we drive to the food we consume - ripples outwards, affecting ecosystems and communities worldwide.

It is a paradox that there are now 8.1 billion humans (!!!) currently witnessing the ever-increasing interconnectedness of everything, yet many people feel more isolated than ever. As individuals, communities, societies and nations, we are responsible for caring for one another.

Neuro-science & Connection

If we zoom into the micro level, our brains are a marvel of connectivity, consisting of billions of neurons & synaptic connections. Genetic predispositions shape your neural landscape (like being neuro-diverse), but your experiences, interactions & thought patterns also build connections too. Over time, neurons that fire together wire together, forming the Default Mode Network (DMN). This neural default shapes your responses, behaviours, and personality, so the older you get, the more predictably your brain behaves - for better or worse.

For those of us who are neuro-diverse, our neural pathways differ, often with greater interconnectedness between parts of the brain but with less efficient communication, leading to unique perceptions and experiences. But here's the beautiful thing: at our core, neuro-diverse or typical, we're all wired for connection. It's a primal, cellular-level need that transcends our differences.

Microcosmic World

As we return to the macro level again, to a world as vast and varied as the brains inside our heads, there is profound joy in finding a community of people. It's not just about shared interests or experiences; it's about that deep, almost intangible understanding that caring for one another is the essence of what it means to be alive. It's shared laughter, mutual nods of understanding, and silent moments where words aren't needed.

"A human being is a part of the whole called by us the universe, limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness."

Albert Einstein

In many spiritual practices also, there is a profound belief that we are, in essence, the universe experiencing itself in human form, a perception that shifts our understanding of self and others.

This interconnection isn't just a spiritual concept; it's a tangible reality. From the air we breathe, recycled through countless lungs, to the water we drink, which has journeyed through various forms and places, we are constantly in a state of exchange with our environment and its inhabitants. While our individual experiences, cultures, and backgrounds may differ, the underlying essence remains. We all seek love, understanding, purpose, and connection.

Creation of a Global Community

Community in this age is about recognising that while our personal journeys are essential, they are enriched and given meaning through our relationships with others. In the grand scheme of things, our differences are minute compared to our similarities. The same desires, fears, and dreams that drive you are in every heart and corner of the world. Recognising this shared humanity is the first step towards fostering empathy, compassion, and understanding for everyone, everywhere.

So, as we navigate the complexities of life, let's remember that showing kindness, compassion, and love to every being is not just a moral imperative; it's a survival strategy. These acts of unity and love will see us through in a somewhat fragmented world that seems to be at odds with itself.

Join me in this week's self-care session, where we'll delve deeper into the theme of interconnectedness. It's a space where we can unite, share our experiences, and find solace within this vast, intricate web of existence. If you would like to join us this week, please donate to a humanitarian relief effort of your choosing (I've linked a few organisations below) and REPLY to this email with evidence to receive the details for tonight's session. To those already on the membership, you will find all the details below as usual. ❤️

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