Palms Sweaty, Knees Weak, Arms are Heavy.

Neuro-Spicy Stress


Ever stood at the brink of a significant event, your palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy? :) Believe it or not, this physiological reaction is an in-built mechanism designed to help you perform when faced with a perceived challenge or threat. Short-lived stress can light a fire under your ass, propelling you to ace that presentation or sprint that extra mile. Yet, when those challenges don't seem to let up, or your mind/body continues to react to them, even way after the event itself, we are within the realms of chronic stress & she simply is not welcome here. Let me explain.

The Intricate Ballet of Hormones

Confronted with stress, our body unfurls a cascade of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. Designed to prepare us for 'fight or flight', these hormones hike up the heart rate, blood pressure and prime our energy reserves. Perfect if you're about to throw hands with a bear, but in our modern society's deadline-driven, hyper-connected landscape, there seems to be zero chill & stress levels are skyrocketing.

The Mental Merry-go-round

Let's look inward. The mind can be its own adversary, replaying worries and trapping us in cycles of overthinking or rumination. Ever felt stressed about being stressed? Yeah, same. These relentless loops can amplify, potentially spiralling into anxiety, depression, and other mental health intricacies.

Physical Echoes of Mental Turmoil

Chronic stress doesn't just reside in the mind. Ever come home from a long days work to find your shoulders scrunched up & around your ears? Not to mention the headaches, digestive woes & restless nights sleep. Seriously, don’t mention it. 👀 Navigating the intricate dance between mind and body means nurturing your physical health through structured exercise, and rest can offer sanctuary to our mental landscape.

Recommended Reading: The Body Keeps The Score ⬅️ LINK

Mindfulness not only makes it possible to survey our internal landscape with compassion and curiosity but can also actively steer us in the right direction for self-care.

Bessel van der Kolk

If you're feeling stressed, this is my prescribed plan of action:

First and foremost, acknowledge the stress. Burying it or denying it only prolongs its grip on you. Understand that it's a natural response, a complex dance of physiology and psychology, to the challenges and threats that you face daily. But while it's natural, it doesn't mean you're powerless against it.

Now, harness the innate tools you have. Start with your breath. Those moments when anxiety overwhelms you & the world feels like it’s spinning? Pause. Take a deep breath in through the nose, into the belly. Then sigh out the mouth, lengthening the exhale. Rinse & Repeat, thank me later. Feel the connection between your mind and body, and let the awareness ground you.

Next, remember that not all stress is bad. Short-term, acute stress can be a potent catalyst for focus and performance. But if you constantly face a cloud of pressure, it's time to seek a change. It could be as simple as a daily routine tweak or diving into more profound mindfulness practices.

However, navigating this journey alone can be daunting.

This is where I can step in. As a yoga teacher & holistic wellness coach, I've fused science-backed techniques with tried and tested yoga practices, creating a unique stress-relief plan tailored just for you. By signing up to receive my help, you’ll better understand the nature of your stress and together we can create a personalised toolkit to manage and even harness it.

Everyone needs help from time to time, let me be yours. If you’ve made it this far and you feel called to do so, book in for a chat below ⬇️
