🌶 Neuro - Spicy Self Care 🌶

Finding the balance of 'me time' & 'we time'


We are officially one week into Take A Break! My brain waves are sufficiently stimulated, babes, albeit slightly overwhelmed (what's new).

Thank you to everyone who hit the REPLY button last week to share feedback, energy, & words of encouragement. This is precisely the kind of community vibe I hoped to cultivate & this process has been a vivid reminder of why well-being spaces like this are essential.

Before I get into this week's topic - PSA to everyone who joined the membership last week (it's only £11 per month, btw 👀) - two lovely On-Demand Classes & details of tonight's Self Care Session @ 7 p.m. are at the bottom of this email. ❤️ If you’d like to join us, all you have to do is hit the upgrade button below.

Now onto this weeks topic...

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Self-Care: It's Not One-Size-Fits-All

Self-care sits on a spectrum as diverse as our brains and bodies. For many, including myself, a typical self-care routine would involve running a bubble bath, making herbal tea, and putting on a face mask. Together, these practices provide a multi-sensory experience that can be meditative and grounding, creating a holistic relaxation response in the body and mind. It does the job quite nicely. But when you dive into the realms of burnout or... dare I say, a meltdown, these go-to, tried and tested practices might not cut the mustard & having a toolkit in place for these moments of overwhelm is essential.

👀 Digital Detox 👀

In a world that's always "on," sometimes self-care is pressing "pause." I recently downloaded the app 'Freedom', which uses a VPN (virtual private network) to block specific apps on your phone for chosen amounts of time. Neuro-spicy people often seek sensation through intense experiences or stimuli like gaming or extreme sports. Sometimes, this is the only way to get your brain back online - @ me, beasting myself in the gym once a day for precious drops of dopamine. But, in other cases, like doom-scrolling social media until 3 a.m. (!!!), much more harm is done than good. Removing my ability to access Instagram was a game changer, creating pockets of productive peace within my day, free from distraction & overwhelm. As a person who tends to sensation seek & occasionally (shamefully) fry my neuro-transmitters via the dreaded doom scroll, the Freedom app has helped me take CARE of MYSELF. I highly recommend - they even give you cute words of encouragement if you try to access the blocks applications. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

Tech-Free Safe Spaces & Sensory Kits

Just as we sometimes need to disconnect digitally, there's also a profound need to carve out space that caters to your sensory needs. Finding the right balance between stimulation and solace is delicate, especially in a world that doesn't always cater to your unique sensory thresholds. Imagine a corner of your home that is a personalised, safe space, containing items like weighted blankets to offer comfort or fidget toys to channel the need for tactile stimulation. These aren't just tools; they're extensions of our self-care, tangible reminders that we can shape our environment to suit our needs. It's a continuation of the self-care journey, moving from the digital to the tangible, ensuring that every aspect of our lives offers a touch of understanding and a dose of comfort.

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Solo Adventures & Community Care

Sometimes, self-care can be as simple as spending time alone in your safe space. Whether watching your favourite movie or heading out for a sensory-friendly walk, these solo moments offer a unique way to recharge, where we can reconnect and just... BE.

Here's the important part, though... sometimes we might spend time alone (even though we might not want to) simply because there isn't anyone who just gets it. Shouting self-care at people who need community care is often how we fail to be inclusive. While solo practices are invaluable, offering a respite from a world that doesn't always meet our needs, there's also undeniable magic in finding your people. Because even though our brains might be wired differently, they're still wired for connection. It's about finding that sweet spot, embracing those solo moments to understand and nurture ourselves while seeking out spaces and communities where we feel seen, heard, and understood.

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Self Care Sessions

Every Wednesday @ 7 p.m.

I’m striving to create a place where people like us can come together, within our own sensory safe spaces, to connect to ourselves and each other. Together, we explore yoga, delve into breath work, find calm in meditation, and there is an opportunity to discuss and share thoughts & feelings if you want to. Each session has its theme, and this week, it's "New Beginnings." A celebration of fresh starts, new perspectives, and the ever-evolving world of self-care.

If you’d like to join us - click the upgrade button below to join the membership for just £11 per month where you can access weekly LIVE Self Care Sessions & my On-Demand Library of wellness content.

✨See you there✨

Whether you upgrade now or simply want to enjoy the juicy freebies, you can expect an email from yours truly every single week, right to your Inbox.

Consider it our weekly wellness date. 💌 See you next week xxx

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